Tile adhesive:

made​​fromresinemulsion and micronizedmineral powdersforadhesion of tile, ceramic, stone,Antiques on stone, mosaic, cement, plaster in residential, office and hospital services, etc.

It is a suitable materialforinstallingtileson theplaster, cement, concrete, and insulated wood wallsand also tiledwalls.


چسب کاشی tile-adhesive


روش مصرف user-manual-icon Method of use:

cover the cleaned surface with adhesive by a serrated trowel kept at a 45 degree angle to substrate. Notice the thickness of the adhesive must be congruous with the thickness of the cracks at the back of the tiles.


زمان خشک شدن electronic alarm clock   Drying Time duration:

Initialdrying time is3 hoursat a temperature of20degrees Celsius.After3daysofinstallation,the tilescan bewashedorpierced.

In addition, thisproductcan bestoredinthe original packageforone year.



tile adhesive

DM5 Adhesive


all-purpose acrylic primer


 MD5 md5-adhesive


Azar Waterproof DM5 Acrylic Adhesive, which is made from high-quality modern European raw material and is produced with high-tech in Azar Adhesive and Resin Chemical Industry, has features and characteristics as follow:

ok icon - tick Very high resistance against water wash

 ok icon - tickresistance against UV

 ok icon - tick no blocking after drying completely

ok icon - tickcompletely transparent and colorless film formation with high flexibility

ok icon - tickability of application in low temperature without using solvents

 ok icon - tickability of film formation by mixing with water 7 times more than its weight

 ok icon - tick ability of mixing with various fillers and construction mortar





Sealing swimming pools and waterfronts( water sealing covering), production of moisture insulation such as roof insulation, production of water-based acrylic paint of interior and exterior building surfaces, waterproofing cellulose(multicolor), metal, wood, and concrete coatings, use as a painting primer in different surfaces.

Production of water-based kenitexes- preparation of lightweight and strong concrete- very strong and standard concrete adhesive- production of waterproof tile adhesive- addition to tile adhesive to increase its strength and resistance against humidity




 storage icon Storage conditions:

The product can be stored for 18 months in the primary packaging if kept away from direct sunlight and freezing temperature.



Wood glue:


made of vinyl acetate homopolymer in three brands: Azar Momtaz, Phil 4000, and Kaj.

چسب چوا آذر azar wood glue hero





چسب چوب wood-glue-adhesive



Kaj Wood Glue:

An approved product with excellent adhesion and remarkable resistance- for gluing any kind of wood- comparable with the best foreign brands.      

How to use: Thoroughly clean the desired location and then apply the glue by a brush or a spatula and, if possible, keep it under pressure or screw press for 20 minutes. Please, store and use the glue under 5 degrees Celsius.

چسب چوب کاج آذر azar kaj wood glue




concrete-adhesive-labelConcrete Adhesive:

vinyl acetate copolymers using designed reactors.

In engineering applications, only adhesives with high tension transmission ability are applicable. The main tasks of concrete adhesive, compared with traditional methods, are the connection and uniformly distribution of tension on the surface.Permeability and the presence of polar groups give the capability to concrete adhesive to maintain a close contact with cement surfaces and this in turn will activate adhesion forces and by doing so, it will prevent cracks in mortar.





The advantages of concrete adhesive can be named as follows:

ok icon - tick  uniform distribution of tension

ok icon - tick  connecting construction materials with any different shape or thickness to different surfaces

ok icon - tick  resistance to periodically thermal changes

ok icon - tick  transferring vibration and shock

ok icon - tick  high strength to weight ratio


 user-manual-icon Method of use

concrete adhesive can easily replace water in mortar and act as a primer for foundation. By adding water to the extent of 10% of the weight of adhesive, a suitable primer will be obtained for further processes.


Binding Adhesive (bookbinding):

 Made from vinyl acetate homopolymers along with suitable softenersin two brands:K90 - K80



azar binding adhesive





 binding adhesive


ok icon - tick Azar Cold Bookbinding Adhesive is an excellent adhesive, which is made from high quality raw materials and by using special formulations, is produced in Azar Chemical Industry; and then is distributed after multiple necessary tests on different kind of paper and different types of binding.

Among the special featuresof thisadhesive that cannot be seen in thesame samplesthatappearon the market, quick drying ability and a special and strong rubber quality can be mentioned. These features prevent the separation of papers from the sticking location. Furthermore the environment temperature does not cause any change in its properties.


Storage conditions:it can be stored in its original packaging for 18 months if kept away from freezing temperatureand sunlight.